Mono Kick Start, Hans-Jurgen Schonig and Ewald Geschwinde

Mono Kick Start (MK-S) is a thin book. It is obviously written in german, then translated to english by someone who’s native language isn’t. There’s nothing wrong with the facts in it, but it’s nothing you’ll read for the fun of it. MK-S is based on the ancient 0.17 version of Mono and .net 1. As such it may come in handy as a reference, especially for the older collections, a topic that the Jesse Liberty’s Programming C# have completly erased from the latest edition. One section of the book “covers” Gtk# with a rather useless, “Hello World”-style example. That is a topic that would require a book of it’s own, I think. Even Dumbill’s Mono: A Developer’s Notebook isn’t enough for that. (Much better though)
I think MK-S was a waste of money for me.