Bloggare i Jakobsberg

Dagen gryr med ett fruktansvärt gråtrist väder. Inte blir man piggare av att det är sommartid, och en hel timmes sömn lånats ut till hösten. På jobbet är den enda underhållningen omlastning av containrarna i frihamnen, och en buggfix-release. Hurra. Upptäckte att fler än jag bloggar i Jakobsberg, alltid något.

Yearly book-sale

Had planned to check out the yearly book-sale, (in a physical shop) but never got around to it. Yesterday, I saw an ad in Svenska Dagbladet from bokus, where they announced that feb. 28 was last day with free shipping of sale-books. I surfed over to them and started browsing. A purchase later I realized […]

Throwing old magazines

Throwing away old CRT-monitors doesn’t help much if the space vacated is immediately filled with old magazines of various kinds. To make rooms for new ones, I started throwing out almost everything. I did save my Foto, Herman Hedning, Studio and about a year of MacWorld issues. I hesitated about 20 old Allt Om Elektronik, […]