
Two months to christmas. It was freezing cold outdoors, and while waiting for the commuter train this morning I noticed a few small snowflakes in the air. On the train home I finished “Knife of Dreams”. (spoiler-warning) I feel like it is missing a chapter or two. The cliff-hanger at the end was a bit […]

Kittens and music

This is really fun. The results are almost random, but I’ve managed fairly well with my strategy; low elevation (~20) and high power. The idea is to give the kitten as much forward velocity as possible, hoping for the bombs to give enough altitude. Results? some 1600+ feet as best, and 1500+ second. Yesterday I […]


I have too much to read for the moment. Not that I’m in a hurry or anything, but its piling up. Taking up precious space on my desk. Its just been a few weeks since I couldn’t find anything unread I wanted to waste commuting time on. I started to re-read Harry Potter and the […]