TV acting strange

Our aging TV has started to behave strangely. Yesterday, when powering it on, the screen stayed blank while the power-LED started blinking; emitting an SOS, sort of. I immediately powered it off and started searching for a replacement. It seems that a 42″ Samsung plasma can be had for SEK 13990 (+599 p&p) on the […]

Partial success

Finally! I’ve got a black iPod nano. Almost three weeks after deciding to buy one I could finally plug it into one of the extra USB connectors on the back of my Apple keyboard. Wonderful Gnome; it is automagically mounted and placed on my desktop. I fire up gtkpod to fill it with some music. […]

More than a week…

… and still waiting for the iPod. It seems that Apple now estimates the delivery time for a 4Gig pod to “within 1-2 weeks”, up from the “7 days” they claimed two days ago, and the 5 they wrote when it was first introduced. I certainly hope it is worth the long wait. I’ve now […]

iPod nano

Ordered a black nano, what seems like ages ago (14’th). My initial reaction when i saw it was ‘I want a black one’, and that seems to have been everyone else’s reaction too. It’s sold out. Everywhere. Well, while pining for my iPod, i’ve collected a few useful tools: gtkpod to upload the music faac […]