More than a week…

… and still waiting for the iPod. It seems that Apple now estimates the delivery time for a 4Gig pod to “within 1-2 weeks”, up from the “7 days” they claimed two days ago, and the 5 they wrote when it was first introduced. I certainly hope it is worth the long wait.
I’ve now managed to hack for a total of three hours on AAC-support for tagtool, and it can now display (most) of the tags already there. I hope I’ll manage to write stuff back tonight when the girls are beeing put to bed by my wife.
This being thursday, I’d ususally have carpenting “class”, but tonight, sadly, it’s been postponed. Class, well it’s more like kinder-garten for old men and women. (i.e. age 30+) Carpenting is something i’d recommend to anyone working primarily with computers. It’s a certain kind of pride showing off a new table. Anyone understands a table and is suitably impressed with a well-crafted one; not like showing off a (command-line) program. It can be terribly complicated:


… and noone but a true perl hacker would appreciate the beauty of it!

It’s the same with cooking, but that’s another matter.

iPod nano

Ordered a black nano, what seems like ages ago (14’th). My initial reaction when i saw it was ‘I want a black one’, and that seems to have been everyone else’s reaction too. It’s sold out. Everywhere.
Well, while pining for my iPod, i’ve collected a few useful tools:

  1. gtkpod to upload the music
  2. faac to encode music to .m4a (aac). While there is a pre-built package to ‘yum’ for FC4, it doesn’t have support for MPEG4, so I had to build one myself.
  3. xmms with aac-plugin to listen to iTunes compatible songs (actually seems to be default for gtkpod)
  4. tagtool doesn’t tag MPEG4 files yet, but maybe I’ll add it!

I’ve also ripped a few favourite funk-albums (Bar Kays) and some not-so-funky “best-of”.

Still pining